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Custom Metal Coffee Table with Tree Sections

Want to see an amazing and inspirational custom metal coffee table? Garrett used tree sections to create a unique and attractive custom metal coffee table with our metal bench supports built onto a custom frame. We received specifications for this table through our custom order form, and were really excited to see how it turned out, so thanks to Garrett for sending along the photos! In a great use of wood and metal together, Garrett (and friends) cut horizontal tree segments and carefully arranged them inside the frame to create a totally unique design.


The frame is made from dark steel with expanded steel forming the bottom of the table top. The expanded steel lets air to pass through the table, allowing the wood to naturally breathe (and continue drying if necessary) without interfering with the functionality. We used tube steel supports to form the table legs, a bit like our custom bench legs…and the table is topped off with a thick pane of glass so the beautiful wood and metal combination–and the designs they create–can be enjoyed as a whole. The contrast of the bark and inner wood as well as the round shapes of the wood plays well with the angular shapes of the metal framework. We love the final product and the way the shapes all come together. The best features of all the materials are on display. We’re glad our custom metal bench legs and Garrett’s artistic design came together so beautifully.

Our hat is off to Garrett, and let us know if you have a unique table design in your head, we’d love to help you build it!